Make Felt Christmas Ornaments for Your Tree

christmas festive green background

Here we have a fun project you and the kids can do this year to decorate your artificial Christmas trees. Well, that is to say, if you enjoy crafting while styling with felt. We have some simple tips to make your festive season chirpy. The Christmas ornaments will also make excellent gifts for others.

Why Use Felt for Your DIY Project?

We can give you several reasons to use felt to make decorations for your artificial Christmas tree. First, it is the best material for crafting and works well if you are a do-it-yourself beginner not good at sewing. The material needs fewer precisions compared to other fabrics.

When you cut felt, it will not unravel and works with different formats with detail. On the other hand, the fabric is affordable and readily available at various stores in sheets, making it craft-ready. Furthermore, compared to wool, the felt is cheaper.

You can buy felt in different colors without using the traditional Christmas color scheme. Instead, you can add beads, and glitter discs, to using yarn on it.

Make Star Christmas Ornaments Out of Felt

With some felt, a few buttons, and patience, you can make basic ornaments for your artificial Christmas trees shaped like stars. While sewing with a machine will make things simple, you can work by hand. The overall design and different felt stars should take about an hour with a machine and about two hours by hand.

Items You Need:

If you decide to make your stars, you will need the following:

  • Different colored felt for crafting
  • Some narrow ribbon
  • Buttons
  • Stuffing
  • Pins and scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Pinking shears
  • Matching thread to use with the felt
  • Needles to sew by hand

Next, draw some stars on the felt a few inches bigger to sew with the machine or your hand. Then sew it together, leaving space to add the stuffing, and complete it by sewing it close with a piece of ribbon intact to hang on your tree. Then make your stars colorful by adding sparkly buttons.

Instead of Sewing Glue It Together

Alternatively, if you do not enjoy sewing, another great thing is to buy some craft glue that you can use to glue the pieces together. Then, enjoy the crafting with the kids, as you can make different ornaments for your tree.

Final Thoughts

This is only one idea using felt to create ornaments for your artificial Christmas trees to make them come alive. Many other options are available to make beautiful decorations for the home and tree using felt this Christmas.